January 10, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

I did not know until a week ago that there were female SS members in the Third Reich during World War II, nor did I know that females were put to death as "war criminals" after the war was over. One of them was a young girl named Irma Grese.

The following was submitted by rblackmore@juno.com:

"Irma Grese was only 21 years old when she became a defendant at the infamous Belsen Trial. Few would have imagined that the young and beautiful Grese was capable of committing the crimes of which she was accused.

The testimony from the Belsen Trial indicates that Miss Grese was an SS "Aufseherin", or Overseer, who was assigned duties along with seven other women to guard over tens of thousands of inmates, most of them Hungarian Jewesses detained at Auschwitz. Indeed, it was more for her tenure of service at Auschwitz, rather than Belsen, for which she was charged and convicted.

In the case of Irma Grese, one should simply reflect on the fact that it is an herculean task to manage that many inmates. Auschwitz was a detention center where criminals were freely interspersed among those simply being held in investigative custody or interned because they posed a security threat as members of a group hostile to the war effort.

It is only common sense to assume that as a guard among so many prisoners, Miss Grese, being of rather slight stature, took measures to safeguard her own safety. Thus, it has been reported that she carried a stick with her and was often escorted by a dog.

In correctional facilities all over the world, such measures are commonplace among staff members justifiably concerned with their own safety. Guards at Auschwitz had every legal right to take measures to ensure their own safety and to maintain order - as guards of prisoners have done everywhere since times immemorial.

Grese joined the SS in 1942, against the wishes of her father, and was stationed for a time at Ravensbrueck, a camp for women. In 1943 she was transferred to Auschwitz and stationed in Birkenau.

How she actually came to be a member of the SS is unclear. According to her testimony, she was sent to work in the camps by the German Labour Exchange. Obviously the recruiting and acceptance criteria for female members of the SS was different from that of males, although I have been unable to uncover any guidelines. At any rate, Grese remained at Auschwitz until January, 1945, after which time she was sent on to Belsen at her own request. If she had been sent to any other camp, we most likely would never have even heard of her.

Grese's duties at Auschwitz varied. Most of her work was rather benign, such as sorting through parcels and overseeing construction projects. However, from May until December, 1944, Grese was appointed senior "Aufseherin" for Compound C which turned out to be the eventual cause of her undoing.

There, as stated above, she had to oversee tens of thousands of interned Hungarian Jewesses. The huge influx of detainees created problems which were addressed with difficulty by the relatively young and inexperienced Grese.

As head Aufseherin, Grese was also responsible for conducting roll call. Often prisoners were compelled to stand for hours until the roll call was verified as correct. This is common procedure at any institution.

Most of the problems centered around the distribution of food. The overcrowding also led to sanitation problems, which Grese was scarcely capable of handling. The detainees themselves helped to create many of the problem situations, as at Belsen, where they urinated and defecated whenever and wherever the urge struck them. They also filled the latrines and compound with trash and filth, so much so that the latrines eventually ceased to function. This would explain the pervasive stench around Auschwitz and another reason why it was referred to as Anus Mundi.

Grese was accused of beating prisoners herself or ordering them to be beaten. Grese herself admitted that she sometimes struck prisoners with a cellophane whip and gave orders that anyone caught stealing from the kitchens was to be beaten. While this seems harsh, one should bear in mind that the prisoners who stole food from the kitchens were actually stealing the food right out of the mouths of fellow prisoners at a time when food was very scarce for everybody.

Grese was accused of administering vicious beatings. (T)he accusations were never proven. At Belsen, she was too horrified at the condition of the sick inmates to even approach them.

Grese's comments about the alleged gas chambers at Auschwitz are most interesting. She never saw a gas chamber, but remarked that she heard about them from prisoners. Other SS staff also seemed to know nothing about them save what the prisoners rumored.

There is no doubt that Miss Grese struck prisoners, but there is also no doubt that the prisoners deliberately exaggerated their alleged mistreatment. Much ado was made over the accusation that Grese was always accompanied by a fierce dog, which she set upon the prisoners for amusement.

Grese denied ever having had a dog. In fact, the matter could have been cleared up by asking the other "Aufseherin" who worked with her, but neither the prosecution nor the defense ever pursued this line of questioning as they should have.

Though the prosecutor tried his best, (h)e was unable to connect her to any alleged gassings, as well as any individual cases of murder. The curious thing about the accusations is that the victims were all anonymous. Not one alleged victim of murder was ever mentioned by name by any of the accusers.

Summing up, it is clear that Irma Grese did not deserve the death penalty, as the prosecution failed to live up to the burden of proof which would be required in any impartial court today. Clearly Miss Grese was guilty of striking prisoners on occasion, but this was usually for some offense or infraction of one sort or another - which the prisoners knew carried the penalty of corporal punishment such as caning, still practiced in Singapore and custom in Canada until the 1960s, where prisoners were given lashes with leather belts. As usual, the professional witnesses and survivors failed to get their stories straight and their testimony differed considerably from their written affidavits.

It was hardly necessary for an Allied court to try Miss Grese on charges of mistreating prisoners in a detention camp, which was legally instituted by the legitimate government of Germany. Such offenses as beating prisoners were, in fact, effectively handled by the German authorities themselves and punished if unjustified.

However, the Allied conquerors found it necessary that examples of "Nazi brutality" be made in 1945-46. Thus, Miss Grese was convicted and sentenced to death. Neither her youth nor the truth saved her life from being terminated by some hypocritical representative of the British Empire faithfully fulfilling the orders and expectations of his own victorious government whose hands were hardly clean.

Under the guise of legality, Irma Grese was lynched.

In his memoirs, the English hangman Albert Pierrepoint described Irma Grese's last hours on earth with an admiration for her beauty, her courage, and her dignity he could barely conceal. He referred to her as a "bonnie lassie" and said she spent the night before her execution singing "Nazi songs" with her fellow inmates.

She was hanged the next morning along with two other German women, nurses Elisabeth Volkenrath and Juana Bormann.

Irma Grese was led to the gallows first, and Pierrepoint wrote that as he slipped the noose around her neck and pulled the hood down over her face she gave him an "enigmatic smile" which haunted him for the rest of his life.

"She was the bravest prisoner, man or woman, whom I ever hanged," he concluded.

(Comments to: rblackmore@juno.com)

Thought for the Day:

"The measure of man is what he does with power."

(Pittacus, 650 - 569 B.C.)

Comments? E-Mail: irimland@cts.com

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