January 9, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

One of the stories out of my mother's store house of memories has haunted me throughout my life. She told me that at the height of the Stalinist purges, the children of "kulak" parents, who had been either executed or sent to Siberia, where put into huge orphanages where, every morning, a political prayer-chant went as follows:

"We thank thee, Comrade Stalin, for a happy childhood."

It seems that, in Germany, not only children but adults now practice their prayer-chants likewise. The following "thank you's" were submitted to the Zundelsite around the New Year which I have edited down just a bit to take the frazzle out.

Here's what one German offered in his prayer-chant:

At the close of 1996 we would like to send a big THANKS to the following people:

Without your help, none of this would (have been) possible!"

Thought for the Day:

"There simply aren't enough white children on earth for all the coloured ones to sit beside."

(Robert Whitaker)

Comments? E-Mail: irimland@cts.com

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