November 18, 1996

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

A letter from a comrade in Canada said this:

"One of the things Ernst underscored several years ago was the sheer volume of work the Zionists had putting out fires worldwide. They were embattled on so many fronts, had so many enemies. That, of course, is still the case today. Perhaps now more than ever.

Here in Canada, for example, Quebecois nationalists are taking aim at organized Jewry and its inimical attitude toward their cause (one Howard Galganov, for example, an Anglo Rights organizer and a former "proud" member of the Jewish Defense League, is a lightning rod for so-called Quebecois "anti-Semitism").

Then there's the Arab and the Palestinian and the Muslim front. Then there is the Black Muslim and Afro-nationalist front in the U.S. Then there's the long-memoried Slavic front in Eastern Europe. Then there are the various patriotic movements in Western Europe (Le Pen et al). Then there's the Revisionist movement, growing by leaps and bounds thanks to the Net and the Web.

If it's true that familiarity breeds contempt, then the once dread label that is "anti-Semitism" will soon be showing signs of extreme metal fatigue.

A suggestion:

Why not turn out a Zundelgram in which you underscore just how deeply engaged globally speaking and embattled the hard-pressed forces of Zion are . . the bulk of them are nonetheless committed to the Stalingrad-like battle against Revisionists and the Revisionist cause?"

(End of letter)

I wonder more and more just why the opposition is spending so much energy and money on Ernst Zundel. The news about other fronts, many of them overlapping with Revisionism, is coming in faster than I can digest. And there is an additional phenomenon deserving of a website by itself - and that is that the more people and countries get pushed and harassed, the more they go on the offensive.

I know this from my own experience - the more I get pushed, the stronger my resolve. It does not get me to retreat. I did not feel as strongly about the merits of Revisionism even a year ago as I do now - and I have taken hits - both personal and professional attacks, some of which sent me reeling. I read a few days ago that the Anti-Defamation League has named me as a "web columnist" in the vicinity of the Ku Klux Klan. These smear jobs have the definite and laudable effect of sharpening our image and our message.

And I see that effect all over with other Revisionists AND Non-Revisionists alike who have their own complaints against our opposition: They are very proud folk striving to add pride and substance to the cause. They want to stand up and be counted if they are assaulted with smears.

Here is a mere smattering:

You bet! Respectfully!

We make it so - offensively with our minds and our energy and pride. I personally believe that soon, world-wide, the "Holocaust" will be seen just for what it is - a shield behind which hides a villainny whose depth is bottomless.

Once that tap root is severed, the money will dry up for our opposition. That's when the REAL Liberation Forces will move in.


Thought for the Day:

"He would have been shocked and surprised to learn that he was, in fact, a captive of fashion, bound by all the new taboos, conditioned by . . . years of intellectual terrorism."

(Jean Raspail, in The Camp of the Saints)

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