November 13, 1996

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

I like those feisty Frenchmen more and more . . . what with the ancient leftist priest, Abbe Pierre, the Marxist-Muslim-convert Roger Garaudy, and others who keep on stirring up the Revisionist brew - despite repressive laws shielding the not-so-innocent. ;)

From one of France's more controversial leftist writers and independent thinkers comes an astonishing review and commentary about two books. Reading these few pages gives you a whole new insight into what otherwise seems a very perplexing problem.

Read and reflect:

"The same day, in the same newspaper, on the same page we find two book reviews of two different books, both written by journalists, one on the United States, one on Russia. A perfect parallel. (Le Monde, 1st Nov, 1996, "Le Monde des livres", p. VIII.)

The first one (Il etait une fois l'Amerique, by Philippe Romon, Denoel) is an investigation triggered by the Oklahoma City bombing. It includes a poll showing that only 8% of the American population trusts Congress (as opposed to 42% in 1966). The investigator says that lack of trust is one thing. But, he adds, a large part of the American public opinion is convinced that the country is ruled by a "Jewish-Mafioso" type of gang.

This belief is a fact which is rarely investigated by the press, for the obvious reason that if this "Jewish-Mafioso" gang exists, the press would be either part of it or submitted to it. Now this word (
"judeo-mafieuse") is not entirely clear. Mafioso would rather describe a type of power, a rule set up by some kind of underground organization, shrouded in secrecy, like the Italian Mafia, using terror and extortion, and possibly with links with the Mafia itself. The word "Jewish" would show that in the opinion of a large part of US citizens, this ruling clique is mostly composed of Jews. This may be a consequence of the high proportion of Jews which may be noticed in government (the Bill Clinton entourage), in the media (newspapers, TV) and in finance (Soros, etc.). The public opinion may be entirely mistaken in believing that these people have a particular influence but the fact of the belief is in itself an ominous sign that journalists should not just dismiss, as in the title of this book review: "l'Amerique parano". This dismissal is itself creating more suspicion.

The second book (L'Organizatsiya, la mafia russe a l'assaut du monde - Russian Mafia assaulting the world, by Alain Lallemand, Calmann-Levy) is centered on what is usually known as the Russian Mafia, a word which is known to encompass many types of criminal organizations. Their existence started in the Brezhnev era, as many criminals, released from the Stalinian Gulag, established business links with high-ranking bureaucrats. We analyzed the alleged "fall of Communism" as a new step of this bandits' and bureaucrats' holy alliance, discarding the last bonds imposed on their greed, ringing the signal for a dismantling of the collective property and its allocation to the most effective gangsters. The book says this Mafia is not "Russian", but a mixture of Russians, Georgians, Israelis, Poles, Germans, Americans, Columbians, and so on. It is Russian as far as its main center of operation is Moscow.

"Why is it that one find in it so many Jewish names ? ask rhetorically the reviewer (Philippe Simonnot, a specialist in financial affairs). "In order to defuse a polemic that should not occur, Lallemand reminds that 'at the time of Leonid Brezhev, faithless individuals abused the Israelite Diaspora, and exhibited a sudden and unexpected religious conversion in order to leave more easily Soviet territory' and he adds: '(The) USSR took this opportunity to disseminate abroad some of the individuals that it did not wish to accommodate any longer'".

These complicated quotes must be deciphered. The Israelite Diaspora is plainly the Jews in (the) Soviet Union. Faithless people who converted are people who, contrary to the propaganda abroad, thought it would be more profitable to claim a Jewish "nationality" (in USSR, it was both a religion AND a nationality) than any other one. This means that these people saw it as a privileged position, allowing (them) to leave the country quite easily. At the time, the whole world press was saying just the opposite and claimed the Jews in (the) USSR were an oppressed minority. Now we are told it was just the opposite.

This is a rejoinder to a number of articles describing how, some years ago, several hundred of thousands of so-called "Soviets Jews" emigrated to Israel, but not before Israel had put an enormous pressure on both the US and Germany to reject demands and stop immigration of these Soviet Jews. They were to go to Israel, and no other place, and stay there until they reimbursed the large debt which they incurred by emigrating. Later on, Israeli religious authorities complained that possibly a third of these immigrants had no links at all to anything Jewish and could not possibly be considered as Jews. The Israeli State authorities, being prepared to accommodate any one, including Martians if any would dare to claim Jewish ancestry, as long as the candidates could prove they were not Arab, choose to underplay the problem. Now, according to this book (and some other reports) Tel Aviv is one of the main centers of this world Russian Mafia, more important even than New York, Berlin (or) Antwerp. If we remember that Rabin was also a Russian and that the highest ladders of the Israeli social scale are occupied by Russian and Polish Jews, it is obvious that the Russian Mafia big-shots come from the same social and cultural background. The will to "defuse a polemic that should not occur" is a ridiculous attempt to hide the reality under a shroud of political correctness. Journalists are reputed cowards anyway.

The book under review seems to says clearly that the Russian government and the clownish Yeltsin are under Mafia control. The Tel Aviv Government is obviously under threat. The Washington government is possibly under some kind of control, at least in the belief of its own citizen. The same could probably (be) said of other countries. This of course has no relation with the fantasies entertained by the antisemitic writings of the early twentieth century, like the Protocol(s) of the Elders of Zion, a well known falsehood. But, behind the curtain, it raises unanswered questions. And these questions cannot be answered because they cannot even be raised in a normal open debate. Why ?"

Again, as before, we make the above and additional references below available as a public service and in the spirit of free speech. For further information, you may e-mail to LE TEMPS IRREPARABLE, Paris,

To educate yourself even more on all sides of a very complex issue, you may wish to receive one or several of recent communiques, such as:

960629 Book Burning in France
960630 Authoritarianism back at work in Germany
960702 The Garaudy Explosion
960704 Internet Kontrolle in Germany
960714 Qui a introduit Mandela en France ?
960716 Jewish fascists assault bookshop
960723 Political Trial in Germany
960810 French War Criminal Disappears
960911 Zionist Dizziness, says Abbe Pierre
961009 Baby Adolf and the Nobel Prize
961029 Who Opposes Reconciliation for Peace ?

These communiques can also be accessed at and

No (c). Fair reproduction is free.


Thought for the Day:

"The men of future generations will yet win many a liberty for which we do not even feel the want."

(Max Stirner)

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