October 30, 1996
Good Morning from the Zundelsite:
Today I want to bring you excerpts from a book review by John Bell, as
quoted in the National Times.
This publication is "The Great Betrayal": The Elites' War on Middle
America" by Louis T. March and Brent Nelson. It is available from Representative
Government Press, PO Box 97668, Raleighn, NC 27624, 1995, 139 pages. $ 5.95_
- and it is a BARGAIN!
Here are the quotes from a review:
- "True welfare - temporary assistance for the genuinely needy -
has mutated into a state-supported breeding program for the criminal underclass.
Crime control consists of seizing the guns of the law-abiding, and hardened
murderers are turned loose to kill again by liberal judges who declare
"prison overcrowding" to be unconstitutional. Free trade, a policy
that only makes sense among peoples of roughly the same abilities and standards,
exports American jobs to the Third World - permanently."
- "America was almost 90% white in 1965. Now only about 70% of the
population is white. Roughly 45% of the current immigration is "Hispanic."
40% is Asian and less than 10% is European."
- "The number of US residents for whom English is a foreign language
is now 32 million. Meanwhile . . . America's laws have been changed so
that it is a 'federal offense to prefer US citizens to aliens in employment'."
- "Middle America is under attack. If the big government/big business
ruling class can have abundant cheap labor and unending ethnic tumult,
no force can arise to oppose them. "Divide and conquer" will
have won."
- "The hidden secret of (the elite's) power is that they long ago
and very cleverly formed a socialist alliance with America's underclass
- which in recent times has come to be largely minority, feminist and homosexual
in composition - for the purpose of exploiting and destroying the white
middle class and its organic, old-time leadership. The "elites'"
use of Marxist ideology is simply a guise whereby they inflame an alienated
rabble against the white power structure they seek to displace."
- "While even the elite themselves appear somewhat "diverse"
in their composition, nevertheless there is a central core of them who
are responsible, in a highly systematic way, for the more reprehensible
aspects of the elites' policies. This central core is, in its outlook and
its conduct, absolutely inimical to the continued existence of Western
civilization and survival of its founding people. Only the cohesion that
comes from blood kinship explains these core elites' implacable hatred
for the West and their perseverance and staying power across multiple generations."
- "In this area the authors avoid specificity - although their identity
is no doubt known to astute readers. There is a reason for this apparent
evasion of what many might consider to be the central issue . . . Feeding
off the firestorm of criticism that accompanies complete candor about the
elites' identity would inevitably detract from the authors' mission."
- "Can a war be won without engaging the real enemy? Hardly. Nor
can ordinary activism redress our true, underlying problems because these
problems are not ones of ideology or morality but of blood - implacably
bad blood. Ultimately the battle most be fought on that basis."
- "Because of the elites' stranglehold on our society - and their
insidious imbedment therein - we cannot "vote the rascals out"
in one election any more than leukemia can be cured by surgery. As a result,
patient cultivation of understanding and a long-term will-to-resist are
- "But we may also take hope and renewed energy and resolve from
the fact that every ideologically motivated position and action taken by
the elite to preserve their unholy coalition is profoundly at odds with
what Thomas Jefferson called "the Laws of Nature and Nature's God."
Because it so violates nature's iron laws, the elites' whole rotten edifice
must, in time, inevitably come crashing down. When that time comes, we
must be prepared for the chaos and conflict that will ensue - for it is
in that time that a permanent solution may be secured."
- "Conventional activism is a necessary forerunner to that looming
bolder era - in fact, it is the only viable alternative open to us at present.
And understanding, gained via education, is a prerequisite to any activism,
conventional or otherwise. . . It is a necessary first step on the road
to building the resolve needed to take our country back from the elites
- and their useful idiot cattle - who have betrayed it."
Go get this book. It is a bargain!
Thought for the Day:
"I see the merit of a thinker in his eye for the great facts of his
(Oswald Spengler in "The Decline of the West")
Comments? E-Mail: irimland@cts.com
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