October 16, 1996

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

Today, fifty years ago, the Allies hanged Germany's former leaders who had fought the most desperate war of all times against the New World Order - although that scheme for total world control was not known by that phrase in those years, just as the "crime against humanity" for which they lost their lives like common horse thieves, had not as yet been re-christened as the "Holocaust."

Stag Magazine, Volume 3, No. 1, December 1946, reported that the executioner was Sgt. John C. Woods, a Jew.

I'd like to tell you this morning how the condemned men died, and ask the world to take a moment to reflect. This information came from the catacomb media:

"Sgt. John C. Woods, the US Army's official executioner, was given the "honor" of hanging the . . . martyrs. He had been the Army's chief executioner for 15 years and was reputedly the expert in his grisly profession.

In the prison's gymnasium, three gallows were erected because the deaths were intended to be slow and torturous, perhaps in keeping with the Talmud-mandated fate of all real and imagined enemies of the Jews.

(Sgt. Woods) used a short rope that prevented instantaneous death from a broken neck instead insuring a slow death by strangulation. He built the trap door too small so that their facial features would be mutilated during the fall. Woods would later boast to the US Army's Stars and Stripes newspaper that he enjoyed the task, saying that ". . . hanging those Nazis was the best thing I ever did."

Early that morning, the condemned were told to change into their court suits for execution. Streicher refused and guards forcibly dressed him. On the upper floors, Hess heard the commotion and shouted: "Bravo, Streicher!"

In a final twist of Talmudic vengeance, the dead men were all assigned Jewish names like "Goldberg" etc. and taken to a Munich crematorium with the Jewish names filled in the forms. They were cremated as "Jews". Then their ashes were dumped over the railing of a little bridge into the Isar River so that no monument would ever be built to them - just as Eichmann's ashes were later taken out to sea and scattered after he was executed and cremated. It doesn't matter. These 131 minutes - and counting - are the real monuments engraved in many people's hearts.


Thought for the Day:

'It;s a poor sort of memory that only works backwards."

(Lewis Carroll)


Comments? E-Mail: irimland@cts.com

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