September 29, 1996

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

There is one kid up North who, every time I see him or hear of him, reminds me of a seedling that will become a forest.

Justin is a quiet, unpretentious youngster - the kind who will struggle for words. But there is a genuine quality to everything he does that cannot help but touch you because it is so wholesome. The Salt-of-the-Earth image applies.

Here is his latest to reach out to his kin - students in other colleges:

"I remember one very important moment in my long process of conversion to an active Revisionist. It was the first day of Spring quarter, and I was attending another of my many History classes. I remember this day very clearly, because it was the first time I had the courage to bring up the subject of Revisionism in class.

My professor, a very sincere man, explained to the class why we must always study all sides to history, as it is always the victor who gets to write his version of history.

I thought to myself, " This guy is right." I began to wonder for just one minute if this History teacher might be at least sympathetic to Revisionists and their arguments.

I found the courage to address this issue as I saw it. I told the teacher that I thought he made a very good point, and I would like to know his opinion of the Revisionist movement.

He stood silent for just one moment. His answer was one I did not expect. He told me that Revisionism was a very necessary tool for History, but it must not be taken to an extreme.

"Believe it or not, their are some people who would stand before this very classroom and argue that the Holocaust did not happen," he said.

I wanted to continue this conversation. I wanted to pipe up and tell this teacher he had it all wrong. I wanted to ask him if he had ever bothered to view the Revisionist's arguments for himself. It was the first day of class, and well, I wanted to receive the grade of an A, so I kept silent. I had to make the choice between standing up for what I truly believed to be a legitimate controversy in History, or thinking of myself.

Needless to say, I kept quiet and received the 4.0 I wanted so badly.

I remember this man so clearly, because he truly was sincere. Throughout the quarter, when we addressed different events in history, he would give a very objective viewpoint, and often present conflicting arguments. I realized that this man tried his best to be objective, and he did not teach his class in a biased manner. He would tell the truth about other events in history, such as slavery, even though it would often receive an unpopular response.

Now that I look back on the time I spent in this man's class, I realize that I could have made a difference. I could have presented to him the Revisionists' arguments and let him make up his own mind. I am quite sure that the only information he had received about Holocaust Revisionists was the information supplied by anti-Revisionists, such as the ADL. If I had wanted to change the way this man taught his class, I could have taken him aside and asked for his honest opinion of Holocaust Revisionism. I could have let him watch a two-hour lecture by best-selling British Historian, David Irving. If I would have had the initiative to do this one single act, I just might have changed the way this one teacher viewed the Holocaust story.

It is up to the College and University students of America to take it upon THEMSELVES to bring Holocaust Revisionism into academic circles. We have an OBLIGATION to ask our Professors questions, and they have a obligation to answer them. It is very simple. We MUST investigate this part of history the same way we investigate all events of history. We must look at all sides of the Holocaust controversy, and come to our OWN objective conclusions.

If we do not, and if we simply allow our teachers to teach only one version of history, we have failed!

The best way to introduce Revisionism to our Professors is to allow them to study actual Revisionist material for themselves, and not let them draw their conclusions strictly upon anti-revisionist material. If we take Revisionist material to our Professors and ask them to give us their honest opinions, they have an obligation to study the material objectively.

We are asking for your help! We have found the David Irving video tape to be one of the best tools for introducing Holocaust revisionism. We ask that you take a copy of one of David Irving's lectures and ask your professors to view it.

If they do not, they are being close-minded. If they do, they will be introduced to a wealth of information that they would have not gotten otherwise.

The SRRS will shortly be offering the Irving video taped lectures in exchange for small donations. This is your chance to become part of the front lines. This is your obligation to see justice served. This is your way to make certain that all sides of this controversy are explored, and this is your way to advance our cause - to see an open forum, and a free exchange of ideas!"

Doesn't this letter make you feel RIGHT? It reminds me of Nietzsche's Zarathustra where he writes: "Slack and sleeping senses must be addressed with thunder and heavenly fireworks. But the voice of beauty speaks gently; it creeps only into the most awakened souls."

Let that be your Thought for the Day!


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