September 8, 1996

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

One good advantage of doing a daily column is that it focuses your mind wonderfully - which is also true, it is claimed, of a villain about to be hanged.

While my fate each morning is not quite as final and drastic, I am being "hung out to dry," as they say so aptly in America, the moment my Zgram arrives and readers let their emotions run through their fingertips. Believe me they won't let me get away with anything - and today it is the turn of one named Aaron who wonders why I pick on liberals.

Here is what Aaron had to say:

". . . I find it rather troubling that in your Z-grams you constantly put down what you deem as "liberals". I would like to remind you that the definition liberal is a multi-faceted word. While it is true that there are some who would be classifies as"liberals" who are opposed to free speech and censorship, there are many, including myself, who try to always be open-minded and look at all sides of the issues.

For example, a year ago I took a class concerning WWII and for two days the Holocaust was taught. I was suprised when the teacher mentioned "revisionists", called them crackpots, and even stated that the Holocaust should not even be debated because it is ". . . the most well-documented" event in the history of mankind.

Well, the very statement that it shouldn't be debated made me go on the Internet and look at what arguments the revisionists had, and having looked at many sites including, obviously the Zundelsite and CODOH, and having gone back and forth between the Holocaust proponents and skeptics, I can definetely say there are very troubling flaws in the orthodox Holocaust story.

Which brings me to the main point. That is BECAUSEI am a liberal, I was able to look at the two opposing sides and then make a judgement. Perhaps if I (had been) a conservative and, as a dictionary definition points out, "opposed to quick change", I would still accept the traditional Holocaust story as complete truth."

This letter has been churning in my mind for weeks. Of course I have no trouble with "liberals" like Aaron who try to see both sides, and evidently he has very little trouble with Revisionists like me. So where is my grudge against the "liberals" that Aaron picked up on?

I didn't know the perfect answer until I came across this passage, written by one Carleton Putnam in "Race and Reality":

"Envy of our Anglo-American civilization, and of the qualities of mind and character which built it, is widespread among certain races. . . there is a strong drive to dispense its benefits to everybody while denigrating the source as "Puritan" or "reactionary".

M oney is not the only thing which can be coveted or stolen. It is just as possible to steal a culture, or rather to debase it, since with integration a race without the capacity to adapt can only destroy - it cannot possess.

The leftist in the racial area seeks to take by force the hard-earned and long-cherished customs, traditions, standards and other social and political attributes of our White society and distribute and share them . . . His instinct here is the same as his instinct in the economic area.

. . . Pity for the deserving poor and hostility toward the sort of buccaneering economic tyranny which characterized the late nineteenth century are healthy motivations. They spring from a desire for justice which is one of our higher human qualities. . .

What the leftist does is to kidnap this quality and use it to lead people across the boundary beyond justice, even beyond all reasonable mercy, to the point where the taxing power, drafts upon the public treasury and other laws are used to attract the votes of people who have no objection whatsoever to letting someone else meet their bills or pay the price of their mistakes.

Soon a habit is formed, one of the most unbreakable habits known to man, and the beneficiaries come to expect the donation as a right. Thus the taxation of success, enterprise and thrift to support failure, indolence, and improvidence is institutionalized.

If the society is a rich one with large accumulations of wealth from the past, or with a highly productive technology developed by its more intelligent members, the leftist is in his glory for many years. His popularity with the masses knows no bounds, and more and more intellectuals join his ranks as they build ingenious excuses for abandoning the old verities. Only by degrees does the irreversibility of the trend become apparent.

The heritage of earlier days, enshrined in hundreds of ideals and principles. the experience of a thousand years of trial and error in building and controlling a free society, slowly are eroded away. Only at long last is it discovered that a civilization has been destroyed."

This is, in part, the fuel that keeps a Revisionist going. Not all of us could have articulated it as well, but all of us can sense it - that this is NOT about the Holocaust alone.

This is about the "why" behind the "who, what, where, when and how . . . " of what the world has learned to call the "Holocaust".


Thought for the Day:

"Higher than love of a neighbor is love of the farthest and future."

(Friedrich Nietzsche in "Thus Spake Zarathustra")

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