July 14, 1996


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

Periodically, the Zundelsite gets exhortations to blast this or that person or segment of the Movement for real or perceived sins. People want us to take sides, and they want us to be uncompromising and absolutist in our outlook, likes, dislikes and even ideology.

Moreover, some of our readers have a certain image of what that ideology should be and how we should conduct ourselves to live up to that image. They tell us where a line needs to be drawn regarding this or that, and they get angry and upset if we resist their pressure.

We are at war. We are a family. And we are in the trenches against a common foe.

Many of us, myself included, believe this is the final war. This is it. There are no "ifs" or "buts."

More yet, there is no choice but to be in that war. Whether or not our children will have a place, much less a meaningful existence, in the next century depends entirely on what we do today - not just on what we say or write.

This IS war of the most naked, brutal kind. Some may participate for traditionally religious reasons; others perhaps because they can see cracks in the geopolitical and crooked world monetary system that are of such horrendous, global magnitude that an earthquake beyond the Richter Scale is overdue; still others, like myself, believe that what is happening is that the enemy has just about run out of fools and tools - and knows it.

The Germans have a perfect word: "Torschlusspanik." Panic before the gate falls shut.

So self-defeating are his actions that many foolish things are being done - the prime examples being this "in-your-face" repulsive discharge of Building Yet another Shrine to Lies and Sacrificing Yet Another Ancient Mariner that sets good people's teeth on edge like nothing else could do.

If I were in their shoes, I would lay off. Right now. Before it is too late.

The truth is: People are fed up. Here in America, this feeling of revulsion at constant provocation is now discernible to a degree that I would not have thought possible even two or three years ago. At this point, revulsion and reaction are more manifest in the low-brow echelons than in the upper crusts where genuflecting is still very much in fashion - but it is happening, and it is bubbling upwards.

More and more people are open and outspoken in their dislike at getting no relief from Hucksterism; they no longer look over their shoulder. You see that everywhere.

The other day, I did a program for a Women's Club - the kind that used to pour their tea on languid afternoons while talking of poinsettias - and when I spoke of my own background, European, that knew about the Hidden Hand for decades if not centuries, it was as if a fire cracker was exploding in that group.

These women knew. Two or three years ago, they might not have - but now they knew. They knew.

I have a correspondent who always signs off with ". . . the enemy has been identified." This could well be a bumper sticker. It would give instant recognition. It is that strong. Can't you just hear the honks?

This is the one red thread that runs through everything-the enemy has been identified. It's palpable on every Website that deals with ethnic re-discovery. It rings as true in the hoarsely belted out Rahowa songs as it does on the pages of the Militia flyers. This visceral reaction is as true of the often sensationalist, frequently aggressive Spotlight as it is of the scholarly, subdued and, some think, a bit stodgy publications of the Institute for Historical Review.

It certainly is true of us, the people who support the Zundelsite.

I can tell you that not everybody thinks that Ernst is right in his defiant slant when he sticks his own logo smack onto his own special kind of dream. Some wince. Some laugh. Some say: "Right on!" But where there is no argument is this: We know the enemy, and he is vicious. He knows instinctively the runway has an end. And if he can, they'll make us crash as well.

That's the reality.

Among ourselves, we can't afford to squabble. At this stage, being in the trenches as we are - those of us who have chosen to be visible so that our comrades world-wide find us - there is one paramount concern and duty to our dream: Not to fritter ourselves. Not to dissipate our strength. Not to go off on tangents but to keep our energy locked on the target. "Not to write music as a sow piddles," as Mozart put it aptly two hundred years ago.

I am paraphrasing here part of a missive a new friend sent to me. Apparently this is a person with great ideological insight and force of conviction on one hand but a propensity to scorch his comrades on the other hand because of his uncompromising stand on ideology.

Here's what he says, and I will take him at his word:

"What gives the Movement potential for the immediate future is that the enemy power has become so great in our country that it can no longer be hidden.

Twenty-five years ago you pretty much had to be an extreme right-winger to lend an ear to, or to even be acquainted with, the Grand Conspiracy Theory. Today Americans from all over the political spectrum will lend an ear to it if they are sufficiently exposed to it - for the simple reason that it fits with things that have become evident.

I do not think the Movement has exploited this new, advantageous situation very well. What is important is that . . . this potential is great."

This is so true. This feeling that "We, the People, have been had!" is so deep, so visceral and so universal that it opens the door to our message - from Japan to Russia, from Argentina to Alaska. Which is: There are alternatives. It is still possible to get control of our destinies. We can do better than to leave a moral sewer to our children.

I believe that that is our lever. And our fulcrum is our unity.

Let us not waste this opportunity with clashes between competing personalities, silly in-fights and pet peeves. It's harming our struggle. Our moral structure has been altered, and it is serious, and we are going to fight back. And, given that - can we afford to squabble?

No, we cannot. Let's not.

There is a place and time for everything, and we can hammer out, when there is time and leisure, the things that trouble us - such as: What's race? What is the perfect form or method of government beholden to the people and not an alien powers? Why are we in the clutches of the usurers and banksters? Who was this fellow, Adolf Hitler, and why has he been demonized for decades as no one else on earth? Could it have been because he saw what we are only now beginning to perceive: That out there is a foe, identified on solid evidence, that's stealing our children's souls while dancing in their brains and on their tongues.

Let's be a family. We're not a pack of wolves that turn on each other for scraps.


Thought for the Day:

"If a society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich."

John F. Kennedy

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