It is time for some news updates and to ask for help with some projects. First, here is a call for volunteers. I could use help with the following:
- A conscientious person who would be willing to track down products - where to find books/audios/videos etc. for sale. It takes too much of my time to do this.
- An even more conscientious person who would be willing to track down references of certain documents - both pro- and con-Revisionist - that people want to double-check. This is important work also.
- A very, very creative web page person who can visualize a Home Page entitled "Nordic Lights."
- A person who reads Japanese to double-check a Japanese translation a young, highly talented student is preparing for us.
Now to the News:
- On our own front first. I am copying here from a recent Zündel-Haus fax:
". . . I finally have the draft pretty well finalized for our counter suit against Sabina Citron and her friends. I spent quite a while trying to locate them in order to serve legal papers on them. After considerable difficulty we have all the information we need. The papers will be served in time and then the struggle will begin.
I hate to have to undertake this step. I hate court rooms and legal proceedings. I think all this is parasitic stuff on their part but they have initiated it and I have to defend myself by going on the offensive.
They will try to have a Judge pass an interlocutory injunction to stop me from using the Zundelsite as a vehicle-and it will be interesting to see how far a Canadian Judge will bow to their pressure, demands and tantrums.
There is a lot of preparations already going on and a lot more research to be done. This is going to be messy and nerve-wrecking. My attorneys say it will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars-why or how, I don't know.
I think this Morris Dees/Tom Metzger scenario is being tried here by Sabina Citron. Well, we will see. I came with $200 in my pocket to Canada in 1958. I'm sure I'll have $200 left even if I should lose this engagement.
Am I scared? No. I am thinking what it says in the Bible: "Ask, and Ye shall receive." Sabina shall receive - possibly a goodly does of justice more to our liking than hers. . . "
Remember how Ellen Kachuck of the B'nail Brith of Toronto, Canada, summed up when she said:
". . . I think it was a much messier affair than we expected it to be in terms of things coming out we did not want." (Globe & Mail, February 18, 1985)
She was talking about the First Great Holocaust Trial in 1985. Now it is 1996, and much has happened since. These people do not realize that courts are our "weapons" because they leave a paper trail that will be there FOREVER.
- The two-pronged cyber-attack of a few days ago by persons (now under investigation!) that led to the cancellation of several individual websites and massive e-mail bombing seems to have petered out. It was not nearly as bad as we had all feared. From all we can tell, six sites were targeted; not all of them were canceled.
Additionally, I know of 10 accounts that were massively mail-bombed, but there was an unanticipated backlash on our enemies in that the owners of the lists that were abused in this fashion became extremely angry - not at us but at the perpetrators.
CODOH International, the site we most regretted seeing damaged, is up on the air again, and can be accessed via this link; e-mail It will take a few days to get the documents back up, but tuck the information away so you can use it later. (These blasted Revisonists are truly like ants - the enemy destroys; undaunted, they rebuild. . ."
- David Irving, British-born author of the controversial "Goebbels Diaries," will be on a speaking tour in the United States. We are checking with England right now to see if we are allowed to announce the specific dates. You may be sure that our enemies will mount a major effort against this tour. As soon as I receive the green light, I will give you the names and numbers to contact.
- A reader whose judgment I trust sent me a recommendation for the website that can be accessed by clicking on the following link, containing extensive reviews and comments about Daniel J. Goldhagen's book Hitler's Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust. I haven't looked at it yet. Let me know what you think of the material posted there.
- Our French correspondent reports that "The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics" is a stunning success in France in spite of the near general media campaign against it. The book has already sold 17,000 copies (according to "Faits et Docouments, no. 9, just published). The book is available in many bookshops throughout France and is distributed by the Roumanian "Librairie du Savoir", 5, rue Malebranche, Paris 5.
And finally, here is a little chuckle: It seems that in Paris a bill board went up in the dark of the night that said simply: "What if Abbé Pierre is right?"
Hold that thought. It is a good one.
Thought for the Day:
"The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the disease."