June 14, 1996

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

After yesterday, life seems a bit mundane, but just you wait and see! We are all catching our breath - and now it is ". . . on to Strike Three!"-namely the Sabina Citron personal defamation suit which this immensely rich Jewess files in response to the March 15 defeat when the judge threw out her previous charges that Ernst had "defamed" the likes of Wiesenthal.

However, what she does not realize-but should!-is that while she inflicts enormous personal and financial inconvenience on Ernst Zündel, she advances the cause of Revisionism in ways he could not ever have done by himself!

Every single legal battle gets written in stone into the Books of Law in Canada where students will study them for years! Can you imagine, for instance, what Doug Christie will do with concepts such as

". . . Mrs. Citron is implicated in crimes, rackets, shady deals, extortion or war crimes against Germans and others; and

. . . Mrs. Citron has engaged in frivolous and vindictive conduct" ?

(picked at random from her 39 count charges of libel).

People like Mrs. Citron do not realize that they, too, are instruments of fate -what they do, motivated by sheer hate, has serious and permanent CONSEQUENCES.

But more about that later-and on to other things, while there is still a breathing spell!

Revisionism is creating a new vocabulary, and ". . . doing a Marlon Brando" means ". . . taking thyself to the wood shed for having grievously sinned", as Jody Powell once remarked. Well, Marlon Brando did! Others who have done the same are, of course, the little 83-year-old leftist monk in France, Abbé Pierre, Le Pen in France, Jenninger in Germany, and Marge Schott of the Cincinnati Reds. They all misspoke themselves in politically incorrect ways . . .

Which reminds me of a little story I have always cherished and shall now share with you at this opportune moment.

In 1984, when my last "official" book came out, I did a lot of media interviews, and once I walked into the so-called Green Room where Jody Powell, President Jimmy Carter's Press Secretary, had taken the last available seat. (To his eternal gentlemanly credit, he immediately jumped up and offered it to me . . . )

He then proceeded to tell us a story. Just what led to the story and the punch line, I cannot now remember, but I do remember Jody telling us that he had had a tiny secretary composed of inexhaustible enthusiasm, energy and verve who suddenly announced that she had gotten pregnant.

Said Jody with impeccable timing:

"Here was this tiny thing-just growing huge before our eyes!
That was the best example of "energy-into-mass" conversion that I have ever seen . . . "

So it shall be with Revisionism!

Ever since, Jody Powell has had a special place of affection in my heart - probably the only Democrat who can claim that particular distinction!

It seems that we are doing much the same - not getting pregnant, of course, but converting our enormous energy into a tangible creation that will be growing and taking on a life of its own, just like a cherished child.

It seems to be happening now-but just as you can't get a baby by getting nine women pregnant for one month, so we can't force, it seems, this incredibly interesting "revisionist baby," for nature has its way and its own timing.

One day, the movement will give birth to something young and splendid.

What do we want? I'll tell you, so I hope, in many future ZGrams, if the spirits keep on being on our side and we don't get shushed into dark corners with shrieks of "Racist!" "Nazi!" "anti-Semite!" and on and on and on.

Right now, intimidation works. Sometimes I get so paranoid I think that our detractors have surrepticiously installed in all their lapdog media places these special panels with buttons that they push - and out fly trigger words!

They worked on Marlon Brando! They still scare too many of us. For us, that would be a fine start - to realize that these vile words are political tools of massive and audacious intimidation and ideological destruction. They have enormous potency. If they can make a Marlon Brando genuflect, what about you and me?

Most of us have our loved ones, and small careers, and little lives. We don't want to risk what little we have that is ours. And yet, here come these missiles!

It's got to stop. It's psycho-terrorism. Those on our side are good and decent people. We have a grievance, and we want that grievance known.

It could be so easily settled!

Let's let our worst detractors bring forth their own best evidence; we'll do the same without the fear of facing character assassination, enormous monetery fines and, as is now the case in Germany and many other European countries, even prison for "defamation". Let's let the world decide! I believe that a report like Germar Rudolf's would do! The man is in hiding for fear of the Holocaust Hucksters!

The great German Chancellor, Otto von Bismarck, has said: "Nothing can be taken as true until it has been officially denied!" There is a lesson there.


Thought for the Day:

"if we are not ashamed to think it, we should not be ashamed to say it."

(Cicero, 106-43 B.C.)

Comments? E-Mail: irimland@cts.com

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