June 4, 1996

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

Here is an update on Germar Rudolf - with credits to the Adelaide Institute that translated his letter and published it first in their latest report. Germar is one of Germany's most tragic victims of Holocaust Hucksterism because he is not, and never has been, a "Revisionist" as the term is understood.

Here is one of Germar Rudolf's letters, in full, written in Öttingen, 11 February 1996:

Please accept my appreciation for having assisted me and my family throughout these trying times which have prevented me from answering your requests. Permit me to explain why.

Since my last letter of October 1995 in which I indicated that I would have ready by Christmas the documentation pertaining to my trial, the state security office has not been idle. In November the publisher, Verlag der Freunde, which was about to publish my documentation was raided by {German} police. This also happened to Günter Deckert who, in the summer of 1995, had his own documentation confiscated by police. The documentation was then used to begin another action against him! Perhaps some time in the future my case could be put together and included in a volume dealing with political trials in Europe.

Similarly I cannot send out copies of the judgment in my case because it is prohibitive for me to copy and distribute 240 pages in any quantity. Also, of the four copies I had sent to friends, one such copy was used to blacken my character. I expected such behavior to come from our enemies but not from a "friend".

The raid at my publisher, Verlag der Freunde, was partially based on my correspondence with the Krakau Jan-Sehn Institut wherein I used the words "apparently" (angeblich) and "supposed" (vermeintlich) in connection with human gassings at Auschwitz. This was enough for the public prosecutor in Berlin to deem that I denied the Nazi genocide (NS-Völkermorde) which fulfilled the requirement of the law of incitement to racial hatred (Volksverhetzung). At the same time, I am being prosecuted for having insulted the police (Beamtenbeleidigung) because when on three occasions they raided my home, I called their activity an act of theft. (Soldiers are {allowed by Supreme Court judgment in Germany to be called} murderers, but police are never called thieves!)

After it had become impossible for me to argue my case with reference to my documentation, I planned to publish a booklet for you, so that you would get a feel for what I have been through. Then, on 11 January 1996, the Munich publisher Castel del Monte was raided by police. They were particularly looking for edition 6/1996 of Staatsbriefe, which contained my article "Droht ein deutscher Bürgerkrieg?" ("Is there a threat of civil war in Germany?") I was informed that a fifth action had been brought against me because of this article, wherein I am supposed to have trivialized the Nazi genocide. Other publications were also confiscated with the obvious aim of frightening any German publisher who has in the past published my articles.

On this very day, also, my 9-months pregnant wife informed me that if I were to produce the booklet, then she would divorce me. Anyone who decries my dear wife for taking such a stand does her great injustice. Why should a mother with two small babies have a husband in prison? In (the) future I must be considerate towards my wife and our two children. Anyone who is interested in my case is directed to Staatsbrief No. 12/95 and 1/96 published by Verlag Castel del Monte, Postfach 140628, D-80456 Munich, Germany.

My personal situation is as follows:

My conviction to 14 months in prison because of Rehmer's publishing The Rudolf Report without my permission is still at the appeal stage. I expect to face prison by the middle of this year. The process concerning the book Grundlagen der Zeitgeschichte is still {going on in Germany}, but it must be heard sometime in March, otherwise the action lapses. The court action concerning my being accused wrongly of co-publishing the Rehmer-Depesche and Deutschland-Report appears to have stalled, but has as yet not been withdrawn.

My family is doing well, thanks to your continued support. Since October we live in another flat because we were evicted from our home near the Stuttgart airport. I have also found another job, and though I cannot make use of my expertise, I am thankful for having this job, especially because Germany has about five million unemployed. Unfortunately, it also means that I cannot spend the weekdays with my family.

On 31 January 1996 at 11:24 a.m., my wife gave birth to a 3800 gram baby boy, and we all feel well being a part of this "large" family.

Now a few matters which I have been asked again and again. I use my wife's name instead of my own purely to protect the family. I also have little time at present to answer individual letters. About five per day arrive at my address. The reference to my wife's bank account number in the letterhead has been included for those who have asked how they could help. Please do not consider it as my requesting of you some financial assistance. Let me state that those who wish to help me should first of all help themselves.

In the hope that I have herewith answered most of your questions, I remain

Yours sincerely,

Germar Rudolf, C/-AKG, Postfach 1113, D-071094 Schönaich, Germany.

Please give this young man your support-morally or substantively-whatever might be in your means. The beauty and precision of the Germar Rudolf Report is a sheer masterpiece. He is a scientist of the finest caliber who did what he believed a scientist must do.


Thought for the Day:

"Science is a flickering light in our darkness; it is the only one we have-and woe to him who would put it out."

(Morris Cohen)

Comments? E-Mail: irimland@cts.com

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