May 20, 1996

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

Somebody sent me this tantalizing piece of writing. Unfortunately, I don't have the name of the author, but I counted the words, and they are within the "fair use" limits (300 words) a librarian once told me to use as a yard stick when quoting a previously published source:

". . . Ideas and world views are not inherited genetically. They are passed down through the culture or the civilization to which a person belongs. Some people may be born into a society that practices communism and infanticide and authoritarian rule. A child growing up in this society acquires those values, and maintains them, unless the growing adult examines his ideas critically and rejects them.

Any number of cultures subscribe to the idea of racial/cultural superiority. The Northern Europeans, and specifically Germans ("the master race"), have historically subscribed to this idea.

So have the Jews ("God's Chosen People.") In the case of the Germans, the Germanic tribes occupied a specific areas in Europe. In the case of the Jews, the "Jewish nation" was scattered throughout the world without a home base (between the Diaspora and the establishment of the state of Israel.)

German and Jewish cultures are marked by worship of the collective good, the collective wisdom, the beehive. The Old Testament is illustrative of this thread in Jewish history.

I have a friend who was born an Israeli. He became a medical doctor and then an psychiatrist. He was an officer in the Israeli Army. After a few years he left in disgust, and came to the US. He told me that there was no difference between the Nazis and the Israelis--his explanation was that the dead Nazis had been reincarnated as modern day Israelis. . ."

Again, I leave you with that thought. What seems to be the greatest "crime" for which WE are berated endlessly-to be race-conscious and race-proud-is perfectly okay for our opposition?


Thought for the Day:

"When I sell liquor, it's called bootlegging; when my patrons serve it on silver trays on Lake Shore Drive, it's called hospitality."

(Al Capone)

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