Part 2 - 1960s to 1995

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Also see: Part 1- Birth to 1960s | and Part 3 - 1995 to Present

Family - father Ernst with Pierre

Zundel with Adrien Arcand 1963 - his Political Mentor, prior to leaving on a 3 1/2 month tour of Europe to meet and interview famous writers, politicians and former soldiers

First house Zundel built in 1963, in Montreal suburb

Zundel declaring his candidacy for Prime Minister of Canada, Spring, 1968

Zundel appeals to 25,000 in Ottawa 1968

Zundel's mother and father in the Black forest

The boys are growing up

The boys are growing up

Ernst Zundel as commercial artist in 1973

Opening a Christmas present - Early 1970's

Ernst camping with the boys - Canada 1975

Ernst camping with the boys - Canada 1975

With son Hans in 1976 - San Francisco

Pierre graduates from University

Ernst & Son Pierre fixing his mothers roof, during a visit to the old homested in 1977

Ernst Zundel with mother in 1977

Ernst Zundel filming his mothers life history, 1978

Address labels - tens of thousands of addresses from all over the world, soon to receive Zundel material

Ernst Zundel buys nice Victorian house in peaceful downtown neighborhood in Toronto, Canada. Things were soon to change

Publishes "Did Six Million Really Die?" and life changes

Ernst Zundel with oldest son Pierre

The Zundel jury in Trial I - 1985

Zundel leaving jail in 1985

Friends demonstrate for Zundel release in 1985

Zundel doing Another Voice of Freedom Radio Shows

Zundel, still the artist - 1986

Also see: Part 1- Birth to 1960s | and Part 3 - 1995 to Present

All pictures are copywrited by Samisdat Publishers. NO unauthorized use.