The reader of this report should be able to immediately grasp the necessity
for the utilization of these tried and tested principles for a lethal gas
chamber design. Most of them are common sense. Even though the execution
requirements only existed in the United States, we can immediately see
that the Germans utilized these criteria in the design and construction
of the DEGESCH Delousing Chambers for Zyklon B. These were used only for
pest and disease control.
9.001 If the readers of this report simply apply these basic common
sense design requirements to the alleged German Homicidal Gas Chambers
in Poland, or elsewhere, they can immediately see the absurdity of considering
these facilities as being gas chambers. It has been said that the United
States chambers cannot be compared with the alleged German chambers because
the problems encountered in executing two people are different from those
encountered in executing hundreds. Not so. The problems are essentially
the same, only greater and more dangerous. The larger the chamber and the
greater the number of executees, the greater is the need to apply the basic
design principles. Only a fool would attempt to execute one or more persons
in a cold damp morgue such as the alleged Gas Chamber at Auschwitz I. Perhaps
a dead fool.
Prepared this 6th day of December, 1989 at Malden, Massachusetts.
Fred A Leuchter Associates, Inc.
Fred A. Leuchter, Jr.
Expert in Execution Technology