What is happening to freedom of expression, Canadian sovereignty and the
Globe's sense of proportions?
Despite its obvious news value, you allocated only 2 column inches on page
7 (Oct. 21) to the outbursts of dual-loyalist Liberal M.P. Robert Kaplan
in defense of Sikh nationalists in their confrontation with native-born
Canadians wishing to preserve RCMP traditions.
Obviously, it is Kaplan who should be accused of attempting to promote
racial antagonism, not the patriotic Bill Hipson who appears to be doing
nothing more than attempting to preserve his Canadian heritage.
It is indeed a topsy-turvy world if the consensus of a sovereign, democratic
nation can be overcome by an elected politician acting on behalf of a tiny
alien religious minority. Is this what the Americans call "reverse
Ian Macdonald
October 21, 1989