62. What about the claim that those who question the "Holocaust" are anti-Semitic or neo-Nazi?

Ernst Zündel Replies:
Rebuttal # 62:



Are all Revisionist "Nazis" or "Hitler apologists" - or is it acceptable and legitimate to question alleged facts of history without character assassination? Nizkor engages in the usual negative stereotyping and smear mongering method: guilt by innuendo and guilt by association.


Let's look at some of the claims - and then let's look at some of the unsavory characters who promote and have exploited the "Holocaust" and their possible motives.


For instance, in "The Seventh Million", Israeli journalist tells in a footnote (page 183) that


"The Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem, Yad Vashem, has received many letters from people asking about bars of soap left over from the war years. Some offered to contribute the soap to the museum, while others asked whether the soap ought to be properly buried. Yad Vashem always officially replies that the Nazis did not make soap out of Jews. . . Yad Vashem has concluded that Jews were not murdered for this purpose. Here, then, is the history of a myth."


And yet, even as we write this, the Zundelsite is under attack by the Jewish Holocaust Lobby for having posted a "Jewish soap" debunking article on the Net!


Or take the story of Menahem Begin who got things commingled in his lying mind. I quote here again from Segev's "Seventh Million":


"Begin liked to say that his father had led a procession of five hundred {of Jewish resisters} and that the river had turned red with their blood. In fact, he did not know this for certain. His sister, Rachel Halperin, told his biographer, Eric Silver, that her brother's version of the event was a "tall tale." She believed that their father had been shot to death by a soldier. Their mother was murdered while being treated at a hospital. Begin claimed that both his parents had been murdered "before his eyes," but in fact, he was no longer in the city when they were killed. He had made his escape in time."


There are many other such stories - for instance, the person who claimed to have been "gassed" six times and lived to tell about it. <http://members.aol.com/ihrgreg/nonsense/930805sixgassings.htm> Or the woman who recently surfaced in the Seattle, Washington area who claimed that, in order to escape from "Nazis", she had been befriended and subsequently nurtured by a pack of wolves. Not to mention the "33 Mermelstein lies" documented by the IHR and posted on their website.


Now let's analyze the association of the Revisionists with Right Wing causes - and by the same token let us not overlook all the Holocaust Promoters, Inventors and Enforcers who have been, and still are, Israel Apologists, Israel Boosters and Israel Defenders. By their support, these people unapologetically endorse the theft, seizure, occupation and confiscation of the land of Palestine, dispossess the Palestinian people and, in operation after operation of ethnic cleansing, drive out the native Palestinians from their homesteads, bulldoze their houses, pave over their graveyards, wipe out refugee camps with massive artillery barrages, and destroy entire towns and cities by carpet bombing - such as was done to Beirut.


B'nai Brith-supported Nizkor is in no moral position to give other people moralistic finger-wagging lectures as to what they can think and with whom the can or may associate. Does Nizkor claim with a straight face that the unwashed, unkempt nose-and-earring equipped spiked-rooster-hair crowd with whom B'nai Brith claims a "close working relationship" is any more moral? Are the space cadets, the burned-out druggies of the ARA of better caliber than those right wingers mentioned with such gloating? Does Nizkor think that the violent enforcers of the gun-toting, gun smuggling, dope-trafficking, bomb building arsonists and convicted murderers and jail birds of the JDL and Tagar bunch - which Holocaust Enforcers have used repeatedly to terrorize people like myself, David Irving, Robert Faurisson and others - anything to write home about?


I do not know of a single Revisionist - or what Nizkor likes to call "Holocaust Denier" - who was ever convicted of a bombing and arson, or even a beating. That some Revisionists don't like Jews, or even dislike and despise them, is in the light of the behavior of terrorists such as the JDL, TAGAR, and ARA not surprising. To take this even further - Israel is a pariah among nations with its organized, Israeli Supreme Court approved use of beatings, bone breakings, hoodings and other inhuman tortures. Israel's behavior toward its Palestinian and Arab neighbors makes it hardly a role model decent people can aspire and look up to.


So what if Carto, Greg Raven and Ernst Zündel have something positive to say about Hitler and his regime? Are Nizkorites not fond of Communism? Has anybody ever fainted from studying some Hitler policies? What does Nizkor know of the man?


Nizkor and B'nai Brith have not yet been appointed or elevated to the position of official censor and judge as to what people may think or write, or with whom they may choose to associate.


Now to Chomsky:


Noam Chomsky is too clear a thinker with far too sound powers of deduction and reasoning not to see through the Holocaust scam. That Chomsky does not have the intellectual integrity or courage to call a spade a spade when it comes to the Holocaust topic is his problem.


Having read all kinds of stuff by Chomsky, I for one simply do not believe that the quotes Nizkor attributes to him are Chomsky's honest opinions. A man of Chomsky's intellect does not suddenly accept at face value and as gospel truth the most bizarre and obvious nonsense as fact. No man is that brilliant and that dumb at the same time.


We have a good word for that in German: "Zwecklügen." Lies born of necessity.


In summary, the Holocaust is an accumulation of World War II propaganda lies whose end has finally come. You have seen it demolished right here in the answers to the 66 questions. The free ride of the parasites on the backs of the productive Germans is about to come to an end. The world is throwing the Zionist monkey off its back. The Arab countries are adopting Revisionist arguments as part of their foreign policy - and the handwriting for the Zionists is clearly on the wall! Nahum Goldman, that old fox and self-admitted prevaricator, warned the Jews about the misuse of the Holocaust way back in the 1970s and once again in 1981. Many writers have done so since. The latest I have seen was penned by Eliahu Salpeter in Ha'aretz, March 24, 1999:


"What is Jewish property? Who are its legitimate heirs? Is it advisable to keep extending the deadline for making these claims, thus adding on new claimants? Or are we approaching the point beyond which it is better to be wise than to be right? (...) The vast sums added every year to Jewish claims also expand the ranks of anti-Semites and Holocaust deniers. (...) It is hard to explain to non-Jews why the property of a Polish Christian who dies with no heirs belongs to his country, while the property of a Polish Jew in a similar situation should be handed over to some New York organization."


I could not have said it better myself.