In an article entitled "Zionism versus Bolshevism" that appeared in the British Sunday Herald on February 8, 1920 (p 5) Winston Churchill wrote, while first addressing what he called "National Jews" whom he described as ". . . helpful and hopefull in a very high degree to humanity":
1918 - The first People's Commissariat -Allmost all Jews For a more complete list of Jews beside Stalin, see our Jews Beside Stalin page "International Jews"
In violent opposition to all this sphere of Jewish effort rise the schemes of International Jews. The adherents of this sinister confederacy are mostly men reared up among the unhappy populations of countries where Jews are persecuted on account of their race. Most, if not all of them, have forsaken the faith of their forefathers and divorced from their minds all spiritual hopes of the next world. This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus_Weishaupt to the days of Karl Marx, and down to Trotzky (Russia), Bela Kan (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the re-constitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It played, as a modern writer, Mrs. Webster, has so ably shown, a definitely recognizable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the Nineteenth Century, and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.
Jews in Stalin's murderous regime
See a more complete list of Jews beside Stalin - click here "Terrorist Jews"
There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistic Jews. It is certainly a very great one; it probably outweighs all others. With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders. Thus Tchitcherin, a pure Russian, is eclipsed by his nominal subordinate, Litvinoff, and the influence of Russians like Bukharin or Lunacharski cannot be compared with the power of Trotzky, or of Zinovieff, the dictator of the Red Citadel (Patrograd) or of Krassin or Radek - all Jews. In the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews is even more astounding. And the prominent, if not indeed the principal, part in the system of terrorism applied by the Extraordinary Commissions for Combating Counter-Revolution has been taken by Jews, and in some notable cases by Jewesses. The same evil prominence was obtained by Jews in the brief period of terror during which Bela Kan ruled in Hungary. The same phenomenon has been presented in Germany (especially in Bavaria) as far as this madness has been allowed to prey upon the temporary prostration of the German people. Although in all these countries there are many non-Jews every whit as bad as the worst of the Jewish revolutionaries, the part played by the latter in proportion to their numbers in the population is astounding."
How many in America - or the entire world, for that matter - know this?
The "Russian" Revolution was an imported revolution that
threatened to engulf the world when Hitler came to power. He saw his country
in the path of such destruction as the human mind can barely accommodate
- and at the core of this destruction Hitler saw, just as Winston Churchill
had earlier, a preponderance of Jewish revolutionaries.
Ian Macdonald, a former Canadian career
diplomat, now living in retirement in Ottawa, Canada, has commented:
"It is a measure of the virtually iron-clad control over the media by a small, wealthy, influential, devious, self-serving, duplicitous, racist, alien pressure group that the obvious truths about the origins and nature of WW II are still considered beyond discussion.
And in a recent Letter to Time Magazine, (rejected!) this former soldier, having fought on the Allied side, wrote further:
"Some day, if there is indeed a God in Heaven, the truth about the origin and events of World War II will emerge. It will not be a happy day for the diabolical schemers who defamed the German nation and contrived the fratricide among Christians so serve their own selfish purposes.
It will however be a happy day for mankind, and Germans will no longer need to apologize for doing the right thing."
The "right thing," as far as pre-World War II Germany was
concerned, was not to fight a racial war or to engage in an illegal
expansion conquest, as has so often falsely been alleged, but to fight
Stalin's Communism - the Evil Empire, as President Reagan called it belatedly
only in the 1980s. And Communism was known to be the brain child
of largely Jewish thinkers and writers like Karl Marx, Trotzki-Bronstein,
Apfelbaum and his disciples Bela Kon, Rosa Luxemburg, Kurt Eisner, Ilja
Ehrenburg, Karl Radek and others.
As every school child knows, less than two years after the war broke out
in 1939, Germany found itself at war with Russia. Contrary to what we have
all been spoon-fed to believe, that war against the Soviet Government was
in fact a preventive war, as recently made clear by Russian researchers
and writers on that topic and by hitherto secret but now-released Soviet
These revelations also confirm what is even more important and timely to
know: that that which threatens the survival of the Christian world today,
as many people now believe, is indeed identical to what was threatening
Germany back then. We call it now the New World Order - it is nothing
more than Communism repackaged.
What was that threat? Stalin himself made it clear in a well-known speech
in 1938:
"The revival of revolutionary action on any scale sufficiently vast will not be possible unless we succeed in utilizing the existing disagreements between the capitalistic countries so as to precipitate them against each other into armed conflict. . .
The essential work of our party comrades in foreign countries consists, then, in facilitating the provocation of such a conflict. Those who do not comprehend this know nothing of revolutionary Marxism.
And in Red Dusk and the Morrow (page 303) by Sir Paul Dukes, formerly Chief of the British Secret Service in Russia, we read that a Lithuanian asked a prominent Bolshevik how the Soviet regime was maintained. His answer was:
"Our power is based on three things: first, on Jewish brains, secondly, on Lettish and Chinese bayonets, and thirdly, on the crass stupidity of the Russian people."
And it was not just Soviet Russia, harboring Jews in power who did not
view Germany kindly. Even prior to the "Russian" Revolution,
Hitler knew full well who had financed and manipulated the ideological
struggle - namely the banking houses and armaments industries, many of
which were owned by Jews, and who were still arming and protecting the
Reds when World War II broke out in America and England.
According to the Reverend George A. Simmons, Superintendent of the Methodist
Episcopal Church in Petrograd,
"In December 1918,. . . under the presidency of a man named Apfelbaum (Zinovieff). . . out of 388 members, only 16 happened to be real Russians, and all the rest Jews, with the exception of one man who is a negro from North America . . . and 265 of these Jews belonging to this Northern Commune Government that is sitting in the old Smolny Institute come from the Lower East Side of New York - 265 of them". (The Rulers of Russia, Third Edition (Rev. Denis Fahey, Professor of Philosophy and Church History, 1984, p 28)
This must be understood: Hitler's war was largely a war against Jewish
International Communism in which Jewish and other Western capitalists joined
in on Communism's side. Jews were evident everywhere in the global Marxist
movement and in the Soviet Hierarchy. The source of that bloody World War
II conflict can very easily be traced to the source of the World War I
conflict - and that source was the cabal of viciously determined, utterly
unscrupulous, largely Jewish Communists, revolutionaries and cold-hearted,
money-hungry, calculating New York banking interests.
Here are a few examples of this Communist/Jewish threat, according to The
Rulers of Russia, page 8)
- "The 62 members of the (Central) Committee were composed of 5 Russians, 1 Ukrainian, 6 Letts, 2 Germans, 1 Czech, 2 Armenians, 3 Georgians, 1 Karaim (Jewish sect) and 41 Jews.
- The Extraordinary Commission of Moscow was composed of 36 members, including 1 German, 1 Pole, 1 Armenian, 2 Russians, 8 letts, 23 Jews.
- The Council of the People's Commissars numbered 2 Armenians, 3 Russians, 17 Jews.
- According to the data furnished by the Soviet Press, out of 556 important functionaries of the Bolshevik State, there were in 1918-1919 17 Russians, 2 Ukrainians, 11 Armenians, 35 Letts, 15 Germans, 1 Hungarian, 10 Georgians, 3 Poles, 3 Finns, 1 Czech, 1 Karaim, 457 Jews. (Rulers of Russia, p. 32)
So it was not as though Jews were not legitimately and easily identified as enemies of Germany agitating the world against Hitler's government - from Samuel Undermeyer (he was the one who declared war on Germany!) to Rabbi Stephen Wise (an unelected but powerful warmongering "special advisor" to FDR) to Henry Morgenthau (author of post-war plan to starve millions of Germans to death) and on and on and on. As an identifiable group, Jews were the self declared enemies of Germany, from Untermeir to Wise, from Nathan Theodore Kaufman to Chaim Weizman and some of those, but by no means all, who were still inside the Reich were incarcerated as enemies and were treated as enemies of the Reich quite legitimately so!
It bears repeating that incarceration of people believed to be harmful to the war effort is nothing new and nothing unusual. Countries at war did then (and still do today) adopt virtually similar policies. War time "enemies" were and still are incarcerated to neutralize their potential for sabotage on behalf of the enemy. In England, Englishmen like Mosley, the Mitfords and Admiral Sir Barry Dormille, etc, France, Canada people like Adrien Arcand and Camilien Houd Mayor of Montreal and the USA, Japanese and many Germans and Italians were interned for precisely those reasons.
Therefore, the Germans - after the Jewish "Declaration of War" on Germany on March 24, 1933, broadcast all over the world by Samuel Undermeyer - had plenty of justification for incarcerating suspect Jews. Unlike the Japanese who had no documented history in the United States or Canada of terrorism, sabotage and revolutionary activity, the Jews were massively implicated in what Germany prior to World War II perceived as the main threat to her existence - namely Communism and revolution, Soviet style, all over Germany and the rest of Europe.
Now, given the fact of Jews as self-identified and self-declared enemies of Germany, just how did National Socialist Hitler Germany treat the danger to its national security - compared to America, let's say, which interned the Japanese?
As already pointed out exhaustively in Reply # 8, after Pearl Harbor, all Japanese-Americans had to sell or simply abandon their homes and belongings - at a great loss, to be sure - to be interned as 'public enemies' or possible 'sympathizers with Japan'. A similar fate befell many Germans. These groups included children, all of whom were innocent, many of whom suffered, and some of whom died in countries that were not being bombed into the stone age, as was the case with Germany.
The so-called "horrors of Naziism" could not have been all that horrible for the Jews after all. According to Sol Littman, the Simon Wiesenthal Center's representative of Canada, close to 50,000 still lived and worked in Berlin alone in 1942. The Allies found over 5,000 Jews in Berlin in 1945, none of whom had been incarcerated but lived like the Germans.
Contrary to popular lore - and even given the horrendous history of Jewish involvement in all the atrocities of the Bolshevik Revolution and Communism's plans for a global take-over - the treatment of Jews in Germany was much more humane than the 'American measures' against the innocent Japanese-American population.
A mass-incarceration, American-style, did not take place in Germany until well into the war. Incarcerations of Jews in Germany did take place according to a selective, largely ideological criterion for quite some time after the beginning of WW2 hostilities, until resettlement in the East became feasible due to the defeat of Poland and the near-collapse of Russia when national security became a primary concern, as the war dragged on.
Until then, Jews lived - despite their 'declaration of war' from London - among the Germans much as they had done for hundreds of years and before the outbreak of the shooting war. They were constrained only by the Nuremberg-Laws, which many have compared to the Israeli Laws of Return and policies adopted against Palestinians in Israel since 1948.
Let's just compare:
- Jews could not teach in German public schools - there are no Christian teachers today in Israels Jewish schools.
- Jews could not marry Christians - as is true today, according to orthodox Jewish laws, in Israel.
- Jews could not hold sensitive high-level government positions - just like Christians cannot hold these types of government positions in Israel today.
- In schools and institutions of higher learning, German Jews were retired early with pay. Those who could not find employment in the Jewish educational system were encouraged to emigrate to friendly nations, as long as those nations were willing to welcome Jews - and not all of them were eager to accept German Jews.
- So what was the real "Zeitgeist" in the Third Reich? Let's look at one example:
- There is the case of Dr. Leo Baeck, Chief Rabbi of Berlin until 1943. If the Germans wanted to massacre all Jews in Europe on an "unprecedented scale", why was Rabbi Leo Baeck not put away, gassed or burned? Why was he exempt from that treatment, meted out wholesale to Jews, as we have been brainwashed to believe for the past 50 plus years? If one wants to exterminate an entire race by "industrial method", one would start with the leaders, the intelligentsia - The way Stalin did with the Poles at Katyn and everywhere else in the territories he occupied - and not with the little people, such as cobblers and candlestick makers.
- Leo Baeck was a prominent Jewish leader who did not pack his suitcase, emigrating to friendlier shores, when the London DAILY EXPRESS carried the headline: "Judea declares War on Germany" on March 24, 1933. He chose to stay in Germany.
- Rabbi Leo Baeck must have been also quite unconcerned about his safety when the "book-burning" took place on May 10, 1933. Since most of the books burned by an angry populace were from Jewish authors, every genuinely fearful Jew should have said; ". . .I've had enough now, I am leaving."
- Well, Rabbi Baeck did not think so. He remained in Berlin.
- Then war broke out. First England, then France, Canada, Australia and other nations declared war on Germany - not the other way around as Allied propagandists frequenty and falsley claim. Two years later the United States of America entered the war against Germany. By then, the enemy had been identified - what had been to this point a localized European war only now turned into a world war!
- But Rabbi Leo Baeck remained unmoved by it all. He stayed in Berlin and suffered under the same allied bombing-terror as the German people did. There, in the hail of bombs he could have been killed and buried in the rubble, thus becoming a statistic of "German cruelties".
- However, he survived.
- Even after war broke out and more and more Jews were arrested and interned, Dr. Baeck collaborated with the Germans in dispersing Jews from the ghettos to the camps, when encampment was thought necessary for even tighter security reasons. His organization compiled the 'selection-lists' of Jews, in accordance with the "Haavara Transfer Agreement". This list showed Jews either destined for emigration or deportation (after emigration was no longer possible, due to the outbreak of hostilities) to other nations in the East or overseas.
- By all accounts, Rabbi Dr. Leo Baeck must have had a very comfortable existence quite deep into the war under the National Socialist Government in Germany. He maintained his position as Rabbi in Berlin from 1912 until 1943, when he was interned at the Theresienstadt camp, a camp where most of the prominent Jews and anti-government activists were housed and where Jews had their own administration, their own camp currencies with the Star of David on it, and their own postage stamps.
- After the war Leo Baeck, having comfortably survived the concentration camp, emigrated to England. He died in the fifties, and his wish was to be returned to Germany (the alleged "Holocaust-territory") where he was buried in the (still existing!) Jewish cemetery in Berlin Weissensee, the land and nation of Hitler's "willing executionetrs" if one believes Daniel Goldhagen.
- There he lies, leaving us with a riddle to solve: why did Rabbi Leo Baeck, one of the most visible, foremost leaders of the Jewish community - a man who would have been a natural target for genocidal vengeance, had that been the plan - never leave "The Third Reich", the land of "concentration camps" and alleged "gas chambers" - while all the other 300 000 German Jews he issued exit permit to were leaving for more lucrative grounds, greater freedoms and the blessings of democracy?
- He must have felt relatively safe - that's why.
- Similarly, consider Max Nussbaum, chief Rabbi of Berlin until 1940, who emigrated that year to New York on the advice of Rabbi Stephen Wise. (Did Rabbi Wise already know of the coming war between the US and Germany in 1940 . . . ?) Nussbaum survived, as so many other prominent Jews seem to have survived the alleged "Holocaust" - Simon Wiesenthal, Eli Wiesel, Henry Kissinger who graduated from a Jewish high school in Nuremberg and many, many more like them.
- As a matter of fact, millions of Jews have survived to collect pensions and indemnities from Germany! And not a few of them, if we believe the patriotic movement press, now formulate the New World Order policies.
- Contrast that with the treatment Germans and, especially, Japanese living in the US and Canada received - reread, if necessary, QA # 8!
- One final note from the astounding, only recently available research on Nuremberg by Carlos Porter, a former US citizen and interpeter now living in exile in Belgium. I quote here from his research entitled "Not Guilty at Nuremberg":
- ". . . there were 13 central concentration camps or "Stammlager" during the war . . . the (Nuremberg) prosecution total of 300 concentration camps was achieved by including perfectly normal work camps. The 13th camp, Matzgau, near Danzig, was a special camp whose prisoners were SS guards and police who had been sentenced to imprisonment for offenses against prisoners in their charge: physical mistreatment, embezzlement, theft of personal property, etc. . . . Kaltenbrunner claimed that sentences passed by SS and police courts were far more severe than sentences passed by other courts for the same offenses. The SS carried out frequent trials of their own men for offenses against inmates and violations of discipline."
- In summary, when we are dealing with something as serious as the treatment of the enemy living within one's own precinct in a time of desperate war, and knowing full well the practices adopted by all belligerents for such cases, it is consummate hypocrisy on the part of Nizkor to point an accusing finger at Germany and roll their eyes heavenward in mock horror, in order to score cheap debating points.
- The stark reality of World War II was that the Jews as an identifiable group were deemed a threat or at least suspect. Not all individual Jews were guilty, of course - but as a group they were thought to be a threat to the country at war. Honest and scholarly work has shown that many Jews indeed were spies, guerillas, partisans, saboteurs and revolutionary cutthroats and got dealt with in the way countries and armies at war traditionally deal with such people.
- One final note: Nizkor confuses two groups of people:
- The "Suspected Terrorist Gangs" Nizkor refers to (the Germans called them Partisans - which means guerillas) were, for the most part, Khazar Jews who were guilty of horrendous atrocities- such as killing 700,000 Germans through guerrilla action behind the front lines, blowing up trains, bridges, barracks, hospitals, etc. These were the saboteurs who did horrendous damage via the underground - such as strapping mines to dogs and chasing them under parked tanks, trucks and into the lodgings of civilians, stringing invisible wire across roads to behead or unseat German Army motorcyclists, capturing and executing civilians as a means of undermining German war morale, poisoning water supplies and food crops. Many, many of these were drawn from local Jewish sources.
- How do we know? Thousands were decorated in the East and West after the war for these activities.
- Revisionists have never denied that such people were treated harshly. It is true that they were ruthlessly eradicated by what was called Sonderkommandos. (Also called Einsatzgruppen - police anti-guerilla units.) US soldiers employed similar measures in Viet Nam, the French did it to the Algerians and Viet Minh, and the British did it to the Malay-Communists. The Greek Cyriots in Cyprus and the Zionists-Jewish terorists in Palestine under British mandate. The Communists did it to the Ukrainian Underground Army in the Ukraine in the 1950's. The Israelis do it today to the Hezbollah or the Palestinian Freedom Fighters, whom they call "terrorists". Truly it may be said that one man's terrorist is another's hero, or Freedom Fighter.
- These people who, when caught, were executed, had nothing to do with the regular internees of concentration camps who were moved there as a preventive measure, because of suspected dual loyalties or outright allegiance to the cause of the enemy; there to be assembled into a war time work force so as to be more productive. These concentration camps also contained a fair number of genuine social undesirables such as common criminals, prostitutes, pimps of all nationalities, check forgers, rapists and arsonists - including many of German nationality. To have been in a concentration camp - Jew or non-Jew! - does not automatically bestow on one the halo of "victim", "hero" or "martyr". Many so imprisoned and held in check during the war as Germany was struggling for survival BELONGED THERE and were, in fact, clearly guilty for harming Germany and its German people.
The Allies released all these inmates indiscriminately when the war ended and found that over half of them were re-arrested and incarcerated for new criminal activities under Allied military rule in the months and years that followed.