Appeal of the 100 - Freedom of Expression is in danger!

The following text is a translation from German into English. It reads a bit clumsy because of the German syntax which we tried to preserve in this post:

On May 17, 1996 there appeared in the Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung, Page 12, the following exceedingly important appeal:

We, the undersigned, concerned and alarmed, recently have been made aware that special laws and criminal proceedings against publishers, editors, and authors - even against researchers - on account of their legitimate expressions of opinion concerning certain questions on contemporary history, shall be instituted in Germany in increasing measures.

In particular, for some time now, the legal profession has practiced on the priciple of "Publicity", all sides of the defense reciting new proofs without objecting to this type of treatment, which is a perversion of justice, and contravenes against basic human rights, which is unworthy of a free, democratic and constitutional state.

By these means, academic research and public discussion of questions highly significant to the German nation shall be unbearably restricted and the essential process of truthful enquiry shall be either prevented or completed prohibited.

Wtihout having the capability of being able to take a position on debateable questions, we point out our great concerns as responsibility-conscious citizens, for the fundamental guarantees of freedom of expression in such areas as research,and warn of the dangers to these rights under our current state of affairs.

We appeal to all those responsible and to the public within and outside of our borders to join with us, so that these harmful policies, which contravene basic human rights, shall in the future be discontinued in a free-democratic society.

(Endorsed by 100 Professors, scholars, publicists, editors, and book vendors)

Whoever would like to join us in our appeal, please apply to:

Prof. Dr. H. Schrocke
Am Hohen Weg 22,
82288 Kottgeisering, Germany

Please copy this text below, sign it, and send it to the above listed address.

Being in agreement with the viewpoint of the British Prime Minister John Major, of the Jewish EU-Commissioner, Sir Leon Brittan, of the Jewish Interior Minister of Great Britain, Michael Howard, of the Chief Commentator of the Jewish Chronicle, (Weekly newspaper for the Jews of Great Britain), Chaim Bermant, and of those signatories of the "Appeal of the 100" on the basic human right of freedom of opinion, I attach my approbation.

Just as Prime Minister John Major, EU-Commissioner Sir Leon Brittan, Chaim Bermant from the Jewish Chronicle, and the signatories of the Appeal of the 100, I also reject German Chancellor Kohl's Holocaust - Doubt -Law as contravening basic human rights within the EU-jurisdiction.

I affirm with my signature that I am in support of adherence to basic human rights, in particular, Article 19 of the Human Rights Charter of the United Nations, (Freedom of Expression) in Europe.

I hereby call upon all Human Rights Organizations, as well as the Human Rights Commission of the United Nations, to bring influence upon German Chancellor Kohl, so that also in Germany human rights, according to Article 19 of the UN Human Rights Charter be restored, and in the future the dignity of man is once again respected.

Once and for all, the prosecution of differing opinions concerning contemporary history has to cease in Germany, and the brutal penal castigation inflicted upon researchers and patriots simply on account of disseminating the most current results of research provided by contemporary historians must be abated. The Human Rights Charter of the United Nations must also be legally valid for German citizens residing in Germany.

