47. If six million people had been incinerated by the Nazis, what happened to the ashes?

Ernst Zündel Replies:
Rebuttal # 47:

Even the premise to this question is inaccurate: the number of people supposedly "murdered by the Nazis" has been quoted in various publications as ten million and more. Broken down, this inaccurate claim has been for years and years that this meant "six million Jews and four million others . . . " which were supposed to include, but were not limited to, Poles, Gypsies, Russians, homosexuals, criminals, the handicapped, and others.

Not all of these could have been or would have been cremated. A sizable percentage must have been buried in mass graves or eliminated in some other way.

But strangely enough, no mass graves of victims of the Nazis of a size that would rival the ones discovered at Katyn (a series of mass graves of Stalin's victims) have ever been located - though the deaths due to disease at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp at the end of the war and the collection of mass graves in which these bodies were buried, is bigger.

All of them are supposed to have been incinerated - at a time when the shortage of fuel was so serious in war-torn Germany that not even kindergarten classes and nurseries for orphaned toddlers were heated.

As Revisionists have said, and proven before, the number of bodies cremated at "the Nazi death camps" is officially shrinking and - in the case of Auschwitz - at a rate that makes some Holocaust historians highly uncomfortable. Consequently, as the body count shrinks, so should the "amount" of "missing ashes."

Look at it this way: According to repeated calculations, the human ash left from cremation weighs about 5.8 pounds for a woman and 7.4 pounds for a man. Depending on the number of victims claimed to have been cremated, something on the order of fifteen million pounds of ash would have to have been produced-occupying about 3.7 million cubic feet of space!

The stories about the ashes are wild. According to the postwar testimony of Hoess and others-prisoners who had been tortured to come up with some answers-the ashes at Auschwitz were pounded into a powder and dumped into rivers and ponds. That kind of amount of ash would have clogged even a strong-flowing river.

At Treblinka, the ash is supposed to have been mixed in with the sandy soil there, but this has never been shown to be true.

At Belzec and the other locations, the ash was supposedly buried on site. It should be simple enough to prove that the ashes are buried at these locations. Why has this not ever been done?

Since archeologists are recovering stone age cremains from around Stone Henge, it is safe to assume these fifty-year-old cremains are still there somewhere. For some unexplained reason, no forensic excavations of these sites were ever done.

Specific claims that Nizkor makes about human ash having been used as fertilizer does not have respectable documentation ever presented to anyone, to my knowledge. If such photos of piles and mountains of human ashes exist, Nizkor ought to have cited the source.

When were those photos taken, if they exist? By whom?

The Zundelsite recently posted a ZGram that makes my argument as well as anything. Here it is, paraphrased, as taken from a conversation with a British citizen:

"In Britain, we have a supposed danger from BSE infected cattle. It has been proposed to kill and incinerate 180,000 of the animals.

Guess what? There is a logistical problem.

There are not enough slaughter houses, and the cremation is a formidable problem. It is thought by the Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food that it will take up to three years to dispose of the cattle.

This, in a modern country-with no secrecy, lots of money, no war, no disruptions, and the very latest equipment to be used!

Would you think it reasonable to suppose that a cow would equal four or five people? If so, that means 180,000 X 4 = 720,000 human equivalents. The cows will not attempt to escape, or attack their captors. In other words: docile, the perfect prey.

Remember, the slaughter of cattle happens every day, always has. So, there is no need for new killing techniques, new types of disposal. Yet, it will still take a modern country 3 YEARS!!

In 1967 there was an outbreak of Foot and Mouth disease in the British Midlands. At every infected farm, the cattle were killed and incinerated on the spot. There were "only" a few thousand cattle affected, but the lime pits were of enormous proportions, as were the bonfires.

It was not thought necessary to transport cattle from one part of the country to another for slaughter and disposal. Yes, the pit locations are known to this day, and I am sure that farmers would be willing for "deniers" to take core samples from these areas.

It is next to impossible to "lose" a burial pit within half a century - otherwise, what would happen to the science of archeology (in particular the technique of finding "worked" land by aerial photography)?

Yet, the pits of the "death camps" are not accurately located. Why not?

The whole story of the Holocaust replete with "human ashes" is full of holes. It might be reasonable to hypothesize that a large number of Jews, let's say several hundred thousand, were killed by the most diabolical methods by the Germans. But no, we're not allowed to believe that! We have a huge number thrust onto us time after time with nothing sensible, nothing scientific to back it up.

Who does this?

Those with an interest in the myth continuing."

The summary point to be made is this: Finding an excuse for not having proof does not in any way replace having such a proof.

There have been NO mountains of ashes. None. Had there been, you may be sure we would have heard of it. Ad nauseam. The one socalled symbolic mountain of ash under the Mausoleum in Majdanek is a pile of ordinary sand covered with about 1/4 to 1/8 wood ashes! Another deception of a gullibble public who emotions are being exploited by these Holocaust conmen.