26. Is there any evidence that Hitler ordered a mass extermination of Jews?

Ernst Zündel
replies to Q/A # 26:

To come back to an earlier illustration, let's say there are two families who argue. Let's say that someone claims he overheard that so-and-so has said that he would like to "kill" somebody. Does this "prove" that he actually went out and killed this opponent? Would an investigation not be in order first?

One might start an investigation first by 1) checking if anyone is missing, 2) if so, where the body might be, 3) what the cause of death was, given that there is a body, and 4) the hypothesized murder weapon.

One might then proceed to question the alleged "killer" 5) for an alibi, 6) test the alibi, 7) check dates, places, orders, etc.

In other words, check up on verbal claims!

What Nizkor is doing, instead, is to rely on hearsay - the weakest kind of evidence there is. Worse yet, Nizkor is confusing two entirely separate issues that have nothing to do with each other.

One is: Did Adolf Hitler order genocide of people based on race? The second is: Were orders given for mass executions during the war for reasons other than race?

The answer to the first question is a simple and straightforward "No." No order for the extermination of the Jews written or authorized by Adolf Hitler has ever been discovered.

Consider these sources, as summarized by CODOH in a paper called The Missing Hitler "Orders":

So, then. What does that mean? It means there is NO EVIDENCE. It means that someone was mistaken to claim there was a Hitler Order that led to the Final Solution.

That someone is one Dr. Raul Hilberg, commonly known as the Holocaust Pope.

Hilberg had made such a claim in a tome he published in the very early 1960s. (The Destruction of the European Jews, Quadrangle, 1961) It was an irresponsible claim. That claim was demolished once and for all in the First (1985) and Second (1988) Great Holocaust Trial of Ernst Zündel in Toronto, Canada. It died not with a bang but with a whimper.

The demise of that claim, chronologically, is as follows: [Click here for most of Hilbergs Testimony]

In summary, the "Final Solution" claim has now been put to rest. For details and nuances, some of them quite hilarious, read what was read in 1988 to the jury as Ernst Zundel and his defense team wound themselves through the Second Great Holocaust Trial.

Why was it read? Because the Honorable Raul Hilberg did not choose to show his face, although he was asked by the Crown Prosecutor to re-appear as a witness. (He would have been paid $150 an hour, as Browning was paid who made more than $20,000 out of his "guest appearance" at the Zundel Trial after Hilberg bowed out, for reasons best known to himself. )

Professor Hilberg wrote as his excuse:

"Were I to be in the witness box for a second time, the defense would be asking not merely the relevant and irrelevant questions put to me during the first trial, but it would also make every attempt to entrap me by pointing to any seeming contradiction, however trivial the subject may be, between my earlier testimony and and an answer that I might give in 1988."

The demolition of the claim of the "Final Solution" order is hardly a trivial matter. It is central to the whole issue of the Holocaust. For details, read the "Hilberg" Chapter in Barbara Kulaszka's book, mentioned throughout this rebuttal!


Now to the second question: Did mass executions occur, some of which might have been on highest orders?

An honest answer must be: Yes. These things are known to have taken place during World War II. They happen during war. See Bosnia today. Check on the American conduct in Viet Nam. Check Israeli executions of Egyptian prisoners in the 1972 War.

Check any war, and you will find that executions for reprisal reasons happen.

These executions during World War II had to do with controlling a guerilla war that was being fought behind the front, both in the East and West, but especially in Soviet Russia. More than 700,000 German soldiers were killed by "partisans" or guerillas in the East alone - in other words, plain terrorists.

As has been previously pointed out, these "commissars", most of them Marxist Jews, operated in the back of the desperately fighting German forces. No serious Revisionist has challenged the Einsatzgruppen role in war-related executions in the East.

We quote here from "Manstein: His Campaign and His Trial" by R. T. Paget:

"At the very onset of the Russian war Hitler issued a highly secret order to the effect that the political commissars employed by the Russians to keep their soldiers at the right pitch of communist frenzy were upon capture to be summarily executed. What were these commissars? The prosecution said that they were part of the Soviet Armed Forces. They did not say that they were soldiers, and indeed of course they were not. They were in fact part of an organization quite unknown in any other nation, although it was one not by any means new to the Russians themselves." (P. 94)

In other words, there existed a largely Jewish underground terrorist system. And given that, one should define what counts as "evidence" and carefully analyze and examine each claim. The judicial expert literature doesn't agree completely that eyewitness accounts or confessions should count as evidence at all. Some expert authors state that there is only circumstantial evidence (cp. e.g. R. Bender, S. Räder, A. Nack, "Tatsachenfeststellung vor Gericht", 2 Bände, Beck, München 1981, Band 1, S. 173; see also: M. Köhler, in: Ernst Gauss (ed.) "Grundlagen zur Zeitgeschichte", Grabert, Tübingen 1994).

The weak "witness-evidences" Nizkor quotes as "proofs" for the mass extermination of Jews - simply because they were Jews - are flimsy in the extreme. The so-called "Einsatzgruppenberichte" are absolutely not reliable.

Here is just one example, again quoted from "Manstein: His Campaigns and his Trial", page 170:

"Single companies of about 100 with about 8 vehicles were reporting the killing of up to 10,000 and 12,000 Jews in two or three days. They could not have got more than about 20 or 30 Jews who, be it remembered, thought they were being resettled and had their traps with them, into a single truck. Loading, traveling at least 10 kilometers, unloading and returning trucks would have taken nearer two hours than one. The Russian winter day is short, and there is no traveling by night. Killing 10,000 Jew would have taken at least three weeks . . .

By a series of cross checks we were able to establish that the execution of the Jews in Simferopol had taken place on a single day, 16th November. . . The place of execution was 15 kilometres from the town. The numbers involved could not have been more than 300.

These 300 were probably not exclusively Jews, but a miscellaneous collection of people who were being held on suspicion of resistance activity. The Simferopol incident received a good deal of publicity because it was spoken of (in the Manstein trial) by only live witness, an Austrian corporal called Gaffa who said that he heard anti-Jewish activities mentioned in an engineers' mess. . . "

So here you have a claim of 10,000 to 12,000 Jews "executed", based on a comment heard in passing!

Most historians and experts would agree that it is necessary to find more reliable evidences than mere accounts or "confessions" frequently tortured out of prisoners, as proven in the case of Auschwitz Kommandant Hoess in the book "Legions of Death" by Rupert Butler.. Documents and physical forensic proofs are in fact the only kind of real "hard" evidence there is.

Instead, let's look at some Nizkor examples:

October 1, 1996