The purpose of this pamphlet item was to state that atrocity propaganda
preceded the WWII by 6 years. Nizkor turns this emphasis around,
babbling on and on (here and elsewhere) about "internal inconsistencies"
by "documenting" that anti-Semitism existed in Germany many years
before the war and even before Hitler came to power.
Nobody argues that - but that is not the point.
As already amplified in previous segments of this rebuttal, international
Jewry - which included Jews still living relatively undisturbed in Germany
when Hitler came to power and long after he was in power - were seen as
a corroding influence, and as the fledgling Hitler regime tried to rebuild
its culture and its economic base, both of which had been so viciously
and wantonly destroyed, it was only natural that heated rhetoric picked
Let us re-focus # 12, however:
Did atrocity propaganda - what the Germans called Greuelpropaganda
- precede the concentration camps - and if so, according to whose writings?
In point of fact, it started during World War I and hasn't stopped as yet,
with Nizkor's frantic efforts one prime source of evidence. Fifty years
after the Second World War, has anything or anybody changed? Aren't you
still at it yourself - prattling on and on about the "Six million",
the "gas chambers", the "soap",
the "lamp shades" - despite all evidence to the contrary?
Aren't largely Jewish writers, authors, film makers and TV producers from
William Shirier, to Goldhagen, to Kaufmann to Green and Speilberg etc.,
responsible for what is being forced down our throats - day after day,
and hour after hour? Not even over 100 billion DM in hush money the Germans
paid to Jewish individuals, groups and to the State of Israel since WWII
has satisfied Jewish interests and stopped this hate and vilification against
the German people and the German nation. When will it ever end?
Now Nizkor can and, no doubt, will make the argument that it is in the
German interest to highlight evidence in support of unfair and excessive
atrocity propaganda. It will be a bit harder, however, to argue that same
point against the Jewish pen.
Probably the strongest admission of the real dimensions and corrosive influence
of this systematic hate propaganda many years prior to World War II came
from Edwin Black, a Jew, in The Transfer Agreement, page 23:
"Hitler attributed the stories of Germany's wartime atrocities to an international Jewish conspiracy, using newspapers Jews secretly controlled. And so the Nazis held a special fear of what they called "Greuelpropaganda" or atrocity tales.
In Nazi thought, it was Greuelpropaganda that distorted Germany's valor into Hun-like savagery. Greuelpropaganda was a mighty weapon the Jews knew how to use to harness the German nation into bondage."
And on page 25:
"The Nazis . . . believed in the legendary, almost supernatural economic power of the Jews. When they promulgated the motto: .The Jews are our bad luck,' they meant it. . . . in the Nazi mind, the Jewish-led, anti-nazi boycott would reduce exports and foreign currency below the viable threshold. By Nazi thinking, a second prong of the Jewish offensive would be publicizing German atrocities to undermine confidence in the new regime and turn the non-Jewish world against Germany."
In this instance, Nazi fears approximated the reality. (emphasis added)
As an overindustrialized nation dependent upon exports, Germany was especially prone to boycott. Therefore, as the American Jewish War Veterans escalated their anti-Reich agitation in late March 1933, a primary order of Nazi business would now be to end the atrocity claims and stop the boycott. (emphasis added)
On March 28, 1933, the German-based Berliner Tageblatt, still Jewish-edited, said this:
Firstly, the new hate propaganda is employed by a foreign economic element that has always fought German exports. It believes it has now found a convenient means which, with some popular trimming or other, will enable it to pursue its self-serving ends.
Secondly, as we have already pointed out, the atrocity propaganda is the last hope of the anti-Revisionists in Europe. There is still an indiscriminate hunt for means by which to thwart the dawning restoration of Europe to health, and it is precisely the irreconcilable foes of a just integration of Germany into post-war Europe who make use of the new hate-propaganda for purposes that have nothing at all to do with the ostensible aims of this propaganda, which is directed against Germany itself.
On March 30, 1933, the Central Verein Zeitung of Berlin, the newspaper of the Central Union of German Citizens of the Jewish Faith, carried the following editorial:
"An unbridled atrocity-propaganda campaign against Germany is raging about the world. By every word that is spoken or written against our Fatherland, by every call for an anti-German boycott, we German Jews are wounded just as deeply as is every other German.
Not under duress nor out of fear, but because certain foreign elements are slandering the honor of the German name, harming the land of our fathers and the land of our children, we have risen at once to protest that, before the country and before the outside world, we have branded the reports about Germany and the new German government as lies.
Against these monstrous accusations, we 565,000 German Jews protest solemnly before all Germany and before the world."
The next day, March 31, 1933, Dr. Max Naumann, Honorary Chairman of the Association of National German Jews, in the Neues Wiener Journalof Vienna wrote:
"I need not first tell you that I oppose absolutely the atrocity campaign against Germany. I see in this campaign nothing but a new edition of the war time hate campaign against Germany and its former allies.
Even the methods and the details are exactly the same as at that time, when the stories were of children's hands hacked off, eyes put out, even of the rendering of cadavers, obtaining fatty substances from human corpses.
The leading authorities of the NSDAP, and the entire government of the Reich, have declared, constantly, and with the greatest energy, that in any such case that comes to their knowledge they would intervene ruthlessly.
It is also known to me that in such cases the intervention really was ruthless.
At all events, we German Jews, regardless of any differences of emotional inclination, are thoroughly convinced that the government, and the leadership of the NSDAP, are earnestly resolved to maintain calm and order.
We have therefore been protesting this foreign atrocity propaganda very energetically for quite some time - not, as I wish explicitly to emphasize, because of being under any kind of compulsion, but because we were convinced that our Germany is being hurt, and is intended to be hurt badly, by this hate-campaign.
Once more, the Berliner Tageblatt of April 1, 1933:
A horrendous wave of filth surges around Germany. The beneficiaries of the Versailles Diktat, who unwillingly had begun to acknowledge the collapse of their policy of force against Germany, draw new hope. In reply to the manifest will to freedom of the German people, they unleashed an atrocity propaganda campaign that lags only slightly behind their lying stories during the last war.
It cannot be denied that German Jews with well-known names also have a leading part in that atrocity hate campaign which in an irresponsible manner defames the German people.
Please note that these quotes come precisely six years before the War,
as stated in the original pamphlet.
For comparison's sake, let's now ask this: What did the situation look
like, once war had broken out? Fast-forward six years! On 5 September 1939,
two days after England's and France's declaration of war against Germany
- Mr. Chaim Weizmann, President of the Jewish Agency, wrote a letter to
Mr. Chamberlain, First Minister of His Majesty the King of England, in
which he informed him that
". . . we Jews stand shoulder to shoulder with Great Britain and will fight for Democracy" and further stipulating that "the mandatories of the Jews were ready immediately to sign an agreement allowing the employment of all their manpower, their technology, their material aid and all their capabilities".
in the Jewish Chronicle of 8 September 1939, this letter constituted an
authentic declaration of war by world Jewry against Germany. As pointed
out by many writers, the most recent one being Roger Garaudy of France,
this declaration of war legitimized the problem of the internment of all
German Jews in concentration camps as 'representatives of a people in a
state of war with Germany' in the same way as the Americans justified the
internment of their own citizens of Japanese origin, as soon as the USA
entered into war against Japan.
Ian Macdonald, a former Canadian diplomat
now in retirement, has summarized a similar point in a "Time Magazine
Letters" submission of May 20, 1996 in response to the recent prime
sample of atrocity propaganda that can be found in the unsavory Goldhagen
book, Hitler's Willing Executioners, the latest in some 70 years
of systematic ethnic smears.
Here are Macdonald's thoughts:
Vilification of a Nation
During World War I, in order to bolster support for the war effort, the British public was inundated with stories of atrocities allegedly committed by the "barbarous Hun". There were "eye witness"reports of the bayoneting of Belgian babies, the crucifixion of Allied prisoners and the boiling of soldiers' corpses to make soap.
Several years after the war, a commission was established by the British Government to investigate the charges. The commission found the stories to be untrue.
After World War II, there was no such impartial investigation. Instead, the anti-German propaganda was further embellished and intensified. Far from being exposed as fraudulent, the atrocity stories were given credence through repetition and the Nuremberg Trials (described by one prominent American jurist at the time as "nothing more than a high class lynching party"). In order to conceal the truth, hearsay was accepted as "evidence", confessions were obtained through brutal torture and trickery, critical documents were withheld from the defense, effective cross-examination was not permitted and the basic principles of Western justice violated in order to gain convictions.
The Jewish-orchestrated Trials became an instrument of vengeance for the viciously unscrupulous refugees from Nazism who constituted most of the staff. The judges were all drawn from the ranks of the victors, prompting a prominent anti-Nazi German to comment that "only God can save him who is judged by his accusers".
Some day, if there is indeed a God in Heaven, the truth about the origin and events of World War II will emerge. It will not be a happy day for the diabolical schemers who defamed the German nation and contrived the fratricide among Christians so serve their own selfish purposes. It will however be a happy day for mankind, and Germans will no longer need to apologize for doing the right thing."
There is a lesson there it would behoove Nizkor to learn. There has
to come a time when atrocity propaganda against the people and nation of
Germany must stop. A fine time would be now. In the interest of international
good will, Nizkor could even lead the way.